A-Z Student Information

The Student Guide has key information you need as you study with SWTAFE and where to seek help if you need it.

Student Guide

The Student Guide has all of the information you need to find your way around SWTAFE and where to seek any help you may need or browse the information below.


If you miss any classes or assessments due to illness or other personal reasons, you must inform the teacher concerned. Messages may be left on your teacher’s voicemail, or sent via email, SMS or on the SWTAFE Online messenger. Your teacher will inform you of their preferred method of communication. If you miss an assessment, you may be required to provide a medical certificate.
It is your responsibility to follow up with the teacher to collect any handouts, other documentation or requirements that you have missed in your absence.

Also see ‘Attendance’.

Access and Equity Assistance

Our access and equity assistance aims to increase opportunities for those who demonstrate a desire to participate in education and may not be able to do so due to financial hardship.
Click here to find out more and apply for assistance.

Accidents and injuries

If you are injured, have an accident, incident or near-miss while on campus, report it immediately to your teacher or other SWTAFE staff member so that first aid can be arranged without delay, any hazards controlled and an incident report completed. A staff member will also assist you in completing and filing forms as required. If your injury is serious and you are unable to obtain assistance or follow this procedure for any reason, you can call an ambulance yourself by dialling 000 from your mobile or from a SWTAFE internal telephone, dial 0, listen for the dial tone, then dial 000. Please also call 5564 8777 to notify a SWTAFE team member and to obtain further assistance.

Also see ‘Ambulance Cover’ and ‘First Aid’.

Alcohol and other drugs

As a member of the SWTAFE community, you are required to behave sensibly and appropriately. You must not come onto campus, attend class or any SWTAFE organised activity under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Intoxicating liquor is also strictly forbidden on our premises with the exception of liquor in licensed areas. If any of the above are breached, the process under the ‘Student Code of Conduct’ will be followed.

Ambulance cover

If you have an accident or are injured at SWTAFE, it may be necessary to call an ambulance. If this occurs, you will incur the cost. Avoid this by ensuring that your Ambulance cover is up to date.

Apprentice and trainee support

Your Australian Apprenticeship Connect Provider (AACP) is your first point of call for any queries regarding your apprenticeship or traineeship. There are four Generalist AACP’s available in Victoria:

  • Apprenticeship Support Australia
  • APM Apprenticeships
  • MEGT
  • Busy at Work.

At SWTAFE, our Apprenticeship Support Officer (ASO) offers free and confidential advice, guidance, mentoring and support, including referrals to literacy and numeracy services, drug and alcohol counselling, and mental health practitioners, if needed, to keep you on track and safe through your trade apprenticeship.

Also see the Apprentice and Trainee Support page on the Student Portal for more details.


The assessment required for courses/units will vary and may include projects, portfolios, written tasks, research, reports, exams, and demonstration of practical skills. Your teachers will provide specific information on the requirements for your course/unit.

Assessment misconduct

If a student is acting dishonestly or unfairly in respect to an aspect of assessment conducted by or on behalf of South West TAFE, the action shall be regarded as misconduct under the ‘Student Code of Conduct’ and the matter will be processed according to that agreement.


Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s work as though it is your own by failing to properly acknowledge that person. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is a practice which runs counter to the very purpose of learning and training. It is expected that you will prepare and submit work which is your own and which, where appropriate, acknowledges the work of others.
Without full and appropriate acknowledgment to the original source(s) plagiarism includes any of the following:

  • copying the exact words from a source without using quotation marks
  • making minor changes to someone else’s words without acknowledging their source
  • using another person’s idea from a text without acknowledging its source (for example in a book or from the Internet)
  • copying and submitting all or part of another student’s work under your own name
  • cheating in an exam by using unauthorised notes or copying from other students.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), without acknowledgement, regardless of circumstances, also constitutes plagiarism. This includes completing assignments, tests, workshop tasks, on-the-job work or physical projects, reports and problem solving.

Plagiarism can be avoided by acknowledging the source of information whenever:

  • words of another person or AI program are quoted
  • houghts, ideas or opinions of another person or AI program are paraphrased
  • data or other information is used that is not common knowledge.

South West TAFE takes the integrity and honesty of its students very seriously. Acts of plagiarism are unacceptable and all forms of plagiarism have severe penalties.


Copyright laws apply to original material, whether in hard copy or electronic format. Copyright applies to:

  • written materials, such as articles, novels, screenplays, poems, lyrics and reports
  • artistic works, such as paintings, drawings, cartoons, sculpture, craft work, photographs, maps and plans
  • dramatic and musical works such as dance, plays and mime
  • computer programs
  • compilations, such as anthologies, directories and databases
  • cinematographic films
  • recordings and broadcasts.

Copyright doesn’t apply to:

  • ideas and concepts
  • styles
  • techniques.

(Source: ‘An introduction to copyright in Australia’, Australian Copyright Council, Strawberry Hills, 2007) You must keep track of any sources quoted and reference them in your assignments.
Additional copyright information can be found at the SWTAFE Library website.


All assignment work must be referenced. Assignments will not be assessed if materials are not referenced. For tips on referencing please visit SWTAFE Library website. Also see ‘Online Referencing Tool’.


Only currently enrolled students are to attend class and it is expected that you will attend 100 per cent of scheduled classes. If you do not attend the scheduled classes for a subject, your ability to develop and demonstrate competency will be compromised and you may not be able to successfully complete your qualification.

It is important to note that some courses have minimum attendance requirements that will impact your ability to successfully complete units, the course and/or undertake Practical Placement.

Also see ‘Absence’.


You are encouraged to ride your bike to class when possible. You must walk, not ride your bike while on campus. Ensure you lock your bike when you leave it on SWTAFE grounds as we are not responsible for stolen or damaged bikes.


SWTAFE booklist items are required for some courses and can be purchased via Campion Education (formally Warrnambool Books). Some items are mandatory for the course or optional. They can also be purchased second-hand or via an alternative supplier, please ensure you purchase the correct title and edition.

See the Booklists page on the ‘Student Portal’ for more details.

Brand guidelines

You must not utilise the SWTAFE logo without permission for personal use or as part of your assessments through social media, digital or written documentations. This is to ensure the organisation’s brand is protected by standardising all visual expressions of the brand in all forms of communications.

It is your responsibility to:

  • Ensure imagery chosen to promote events aligns with the overall brand. However, the design does not need to be the same as the corporate brand.
  • Student-run events at SWTAFE should only use the logo specifically designed for students.

The use of our name (South West TAFE in any form, including SWTAFE) must not be used on any social media platforms, especially when organising student-run events. This avoids such pages to be available for viewing by the general public when they conduct a search on a web search engine, as the content may not correctly represent SWTAFE according to the brand guidelines.

Please contact your teacher for clarification or email the marketing department at marketing@swtafe.edu.au for assistance.


SWTAFE does not accept bullying. Bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed towards another person who creates a risk to their mental or physical health and safety. We are passionate about the safety and wellbeing of all members of the SWTAFE community, especially children and younger people. Please refer to our Child Safety Statement on our website for more details.
If you need help or support please contact our Wellbeing Team.

Also see Feedback, complaints and compliments on our website.


The Cafeteria is located at the Warrnambool campus.

Opening hours (subject to change, including on school holidays):

  • Monday to Thursday 8.00am–3.30pm
  • Friday 8.00am–2.30pm

Hot and cold breakfasts, lunch and snacks are sold. Drinks include tea, coffee, hot chocolate, soft drinks, water, juices, flavoured milk, and more. Hot and cold food includes burgers, hot chips, sausage rolls, dim sims, daily specials, salads, fruit, yoghurt, freshly made cakes, slices, and more. Gluten free and vegan options are available. Free tea and coffee is available in the student lounge areas of all campuses.

Also see ‘Vending machines’.


SWTAFE has five main campuses:

  • Warrnambool
  • Colac
  • Hamilton
  • Portland
  • Sherwood Park (Warrnambool)

We also deliver training and assessments at Robson Street (Warrnambool), Glenormiston, Pound Road (Colac), in the workplace, and at other sites, as required.

Find out more about our campuses and training facilities.

Car parking

Free public parking is available around each of our campuses and training facilities. Click here to find out more via the downloadable campus map on each campus page at or contact the campus for more information.

Changing your personal details

You must notify SWTAFE of a change of address or personal details to ensure that results, certificates and course notifications are mailed to the correct address, in your correct name. This can be completed by contacting any SWTAFE campus.

These details may also be used by divisions of the State and Federation Government to contact you regarding your studies, for example, regarding surveys or VET Student Loan information which may be relevant to you.

Also see ‘Privacy’.

Chaplain service

SWTAFE has a volunteer Chaplain who assists our Wellbeing and Student Experience teams in supporting our students. If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about anything, please reach out. Contact details can be found on the ‘Student Portal’.

Also see ‘Wellbeing support’.

Child Safety Commitment

SWTAFE regards its child protection responsibilities with the utmost importance and is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintain a child safe culture. Please refer to our ‘Child Safety Statement on our website’ for more details.

SWTAFE’s nominated primary Child Safety Officer is the Team Leader of Student Wellbeing and there are also Child Safety Contact Officers across our campuses. The most up-to-date list can be downloaded from the SWTAFE website. If you need to provide feedback, raise a concern, or make a complaint, please complete the form on the SWTAFE website.


A reasonable standard of dress is expected for safety, hygiene and health reasons. Each course has dress code standards for example: wear protective clothing and tie hair back. Bare feet, thongs or strapless shoes, shorts and singlets are not permitted in trade and cookery areas. If you are unsure of the clothing requirements for your course, please ask your teacher.

Code of conduct

We are committed to the provision of high quality and rewarding education and training for all students in an environment which actively encourages and supports learning for everyone.
To foster these goals, we have established a ‘Student Code of Conduct’ to communicate your responsibilities. We believe that by establishing and communicating these standards we will provide a supportive and fair learning environment for all students.


If you have a concern or issue with your learning environment please speak with your teacher or the senior educator for your course in the first instance.

Official feedback, complaints and compliments

If you have any feedback, complaints or compliments, we want to know about it. In some cases, it may not be possible for us to take any action on feedback unless content of the feedback can be verified. Our Audit and Compliance Officer is our nominated contact for all complaints or feedback issues. You can contact them via the ‘feedback page on our website’, via forms located in our reception areas or phone 1300 648 911. We will use this feedback to help improve the quality of our training programs and services.

Also see ‘Feedback’.

Disability support

The disability support team are committed to providing enhancing opportunities for students with a disability, or medical or mental health condition to engage and success in their educational goals.

We take steps to ensure that suitable and reasonable adjustments are explored collaboratively and a person-centred approach is applied to all students. The support provided to students at SWTAFE is established through the development of an individualised support plan, including:

  • exploring what learning environments work best for the student
  • adjustments that can be made by the teacher or environment
  • strategies that will support engagement and independence
  • assistive technology that may be used during studies
  • management plans (epilepsy, diabetes, behavioural)
  • other key information that will help make a student’s learning journey with SWTAFE a success.

Contact the disability support team on 5564 8720 or disability.support@swtafe.edu.au for more information on how we can support you.

Diversity, equity and inclusion

You have the right to equal opportunity while studying with us at SWTAFE. We are committed to providing you with an environment to learn that’s free from discrimination of any kind. We recognise your individual background and circumstances and will work to ensure that our SWTAFE community respects you, as you are.


If you require any emergency assistance (ambulance, fire and police) dial 000 or 0-000 (on a SWTAFE phone). After calling 000, please dial our Internal Emergency Notification number 777 from a
SWTAFE phone or 5564 8777 from other phones to advise SWTAFE staff of the emergency. If the 777 phone is not answered, leave a message with your name, location, brief description of emergency and return phone number.

Evacuation procedures

When the fire alarm sounds, or there is an order to evacuate, all those on the premises must evacuate the buildings by the nearest and safest exit, as instructed by your teacher or emergency warden. Move to, and remain at, the emergency assembly area until given the all clear to re-enter the buildings.



SWTAFE run a number of free events, activities and special days throughout the year, including orientation week activities. We encourage you to attend, meet other students and get involved in the SWTAFE community. Keep your eye out for promotional posters up at campuses and the ‘Student Portal’ to find out about events.

Join the ‘Student Facebook Group’ to connect with other students and stay up-to-date with what’s going on at SWTAFE.

Facebook group

Stay in touch and up-to-date with everything SWTAFE by joining the Student Facebook Group – there we have photos from around campus, study tips, event information, services and supports, discussions, competitions and more. This is a place for you to stay connected chat about all things SWTAFE. Please share with us what you’ve been up to in class, ask questions, connect with other students, and promote anything SWTAFE-related.

Join here: ‘facebook.com/groups/swtafestudents


There are many ways to provide feedback at SWTAFE. You can talk to your teacher or other SWTAFE team member, use forms located in our reception areas, or even talk to a member of the ‘Student Voice’.

Importantly, if you want to make an official report or complaint, please do so by completing the ‘feedback page on our website’ or by phoning 1300 648 911.

Also see ‘Complaints’ and ‘Student Voice’.

Fees and charges

Fees and charges information is available on our website, and listed under each course page. The website outlines the enrolment fees and charges including eligibility, concessions and refunds as well as payment options available. Please see the Fees & Free TAFE page for further details. You can also contact our team on 1300 648 911 or via our live chat on our website.

Please note: You are required to arrange a payment plan or commit to paying in full prior to your enrolment being finalised. To ensure full access to all available services, all payments must be up to date. Failing to meet your agreed payment commitment may result in SWTAFE acting to recover the outstanding amount.

Where this occurs, we reserve the right to recover associated debt collection costs. Be aware that debt collection processes have the potential to affect your future credit rating.

Please talk to us if you feel you may have difficulties in meeting your payment obligations.

Financial aid

Circumstances for everyone are different and this can affect what you pay for your training and if there is any assistance available. There are Free TAFE courses, VET Student Loans, Access and Equity Assistance, Scholarships, Reconnect, and more.

Visit the SWTAFE website to find out more.

Also see, ‘Access and equity assistance’, ‘Reconnect’, ‘Scholarships’, and ‘VET Student Loans’.

First aid

SWTAFE has first aid officers and first aid supplies across all our campuses. If you are injured, report it immediately to your teacher or other SWTAFE staff member so that first aid can be arranged without delay.

Also see ‘Accidents and Injuries’ and ‘Ambulance Cover’.

Food Lab

The Food Lab is our training restaurant for cookery and hospitality students, and is located at Warrnambool Campus. At the Food Lab, students learn the skills required for the hospitality industry. The Food Lab is open to students, SWTAFE employees and the public on selected dates.


There are a variety of forms that you may need during your time at South West TAFE, including ‘Application for Extension’, ‘Change of Personal Details’, ‘Library membership’, and much more. You’ll find these on the ‘Student Portal’.

Also see ‘Policies’.


SWTAFE holds a graduation ceremony each year for those students who successfully complete a Diploma qualification. This ceremony celebrates the personal successes of our students and provides formal recognition of their academic achievements. An invitation will be extended to eligible students and their families to attend the ceremony, where they will have the opportunity to be presented in an appropriate graduation gown.

Award Ceremonies

Individual teaching centres also hold annual award ceremonies to recognise the achievements of their students who study at certificate levels.

Internet use

We encourage you to make use of our computer network and Wi-Fi for educational purposes. Please ensure you use these sensibly and responsibly.

Important dates

For details on orientation week and other important dates visit our website.

Key dates can also be found on the Student Portal, listed under Student Events.

IT Support

If you need any help with IT and/or studying online off-campus, contact our ICT Helpdesk.

  • Phone: 5564 8976 (during business hours)
  • Email: icthelpdesk@swtafe.edu.au (preferred option).

All users of the SWTAFE network need to have a username (User ID) and password. When you enrol and are issued with a student card you will also be issued with a letter which tells you what your user ID is, what your initial password is, and what you need to do with them so that you can log on to the network.

The password on the letter needs to be changed the first time you log on. If you don’t change it, you will be unable to logon next time. You can go to Student Central at the Warrnambool Campus or Customer Service at any other campus and ask for your logon/password to be reset. You will need to have your student card with you to identify yourself, or another form of photo ID.

Koorie Support

Our Koorie Student Support Officers (KSSO) provide direct support to Koorie learners iming to foster a positive and productive education experience. They are available to assist you with questions you have with your enquiries, enrolment, studies and home work.

Koorie Liaison Officers (KLO) provides Indigenous consultation between South West TAFE and Local Indigenous Organisations.

To find out more, visit the Koorie support page on our website or drop into South West Central.

Laptops and other devices

You are able to bring your own device to any of our campuses and access our Wi-Fi network free of charge. For assistance in accessing the network, please speak with our staff in the Warrnambool Library and Learning Centre or South West Central.

SWTAFE provides a Wi-Fi network which is available at each campus for you to use. You can configure your own personal device to access the network.

If you choose to bring your own laptop and device you do so at your own risk and are responsible for the security of these items.

Learning support

Our Learning Support Unit (LSU) offers a free and confidential service designed to help you build the skills you need to be successful at SWTAFE. The friendly LSU facilitators can assist students with all aspects of their study. They offer one-on-one tutoring, classroom-based support, 24-hour support with ‘Studiosity’, and drop-in sessions, so you can get the help you need, whenever you need it.
LSU appointments are offered face-to-face, by phone or online. From time to time the we will hold virtual support drop-in workshops which will be promoted through your teachers and online.

To find out more, visit the Learning support page on our website or drop into Student Central to visit the LSU team.

Also see ‘Studiosity’ and ‘Online Referencing Tool’.

Library and library resources

The library service supports teaching and learning at SWTAFE by providing:

access to relevant, reliable and up to date resources (both printed and online) which support the curriculum

facilities that support teaching, individual study and research, the completion of assignments, and group work (computers, software, printers, photocopiers etc)

training and support in research and referencing skills.

The library service at SWTAFE is provided by the Warrnambool Library and Learning Centre on the Warrnambool campus.

To access SWTAFE library resources see the online resources guide on our website.


There are lockers available to students at various locations across each campus and generally linked to relevant teaching areas. Please note: all personal items on SWTAFE grounds, including in student lockers, are left at the risk of the owner. We take no responsibility for their care and will not replace any items that become lost, damaged or stolen.

Loss, damage or theft

Your belongings are your responsibility. We are not responsible for the loss or damage of your belongings so you are encouraged to label and keep them secure at all times. This includes not leaving valuables and belongings unattended, including in locked classrooms.

If you believe any of your belongings have been stolen it should be reported to reception and the incident will be followed up by the Facilities Department.

Maps – Campus maps

You can view maps of each campus on the SWTAFE website. They include useful information including parking, accessible toilets, reception and more.

Mobile phones

You are expected to put your mobile phone on silent and not use it during classes or assessment (unless allowed). We understand that you may need it for special circumstances. Talk to your teacher before class if this is necessary.

My eQuals

My eQuals is a trusted and widely accepted platform that offers a simpler and more efficient way to view, share, and verify your academic records. When you complete your course, you will receive an email from My eQuals regarding the issuing of your academic records. You will then need to create an account (instructions will be provided). This will give you the ability to share your academic records with employers, training providers, or others. For more information, visit the SWTAFE website.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Support

South West Disability Services at SWTAFE offer a broad range of daily NDIS Programs of Support.

These programs are designed to build independence, confidence, daily living skills and connecting individuals with peers and local community groups. Support many also include:

  • Individual or group-based supports to access the SWTAFE environment
  • Building social connection and independence within your study
  • Transition supports from school or home into SWTAFE community.

Contact the NDIS team on 5564 8720 or disability.support@swtafe.edu.au for more information on how we can support you.

Newsletter – Student NEWS

The Student NEWS is an e-newsletter, sent to you each month, to keep you informed on news, events and happenings around the campuses. It will also guide you to some of the many resources that can help you with your studies. We welcome any feedback or suggestions for content in this newsletter.

Please contact: communications@swtafe.edu.au


Local and metropolitan newspapers are available daily in the Warrnambool Library and Learning Centre.

Online Referencing Tool

The Online Referencing Tool assists you to automatically generate formatted academic references in the Harvard style. It can be found on the ‘Student Portal’. If you need assistance with referencing or in using this tool, please reach out to the ‘Learning Support Unit’.


The first few weeks at TAFE can be fun, exciting and also overwhelming. You can find some helpful tips on the SWTAFE website to make adjusting to student life a bit easier.

There are also student orientation/welcome events held at each of the campuses to give you a chance to meet our student services teams and learn about the resources that are available to you. Find out more on our Orientation page of the SWTAFE website and on the ‘Student Portal’, where we will advertise the dates.

Parenting facilities

We provide infant change and feeding rooms for your use at Portland, Hamilton and Warrnambool campuses. See the relevant campus map on the South West TAFE website for locations.
Also see ‘Quiet spaces’.

Pathways to University

We can provide you with a great stepping stone to study at university. You can start your studies with us via a diploma course, and then transfer to university to complete your degree. SWTAFE pathways are available in a range of subject areas, meeting the needs of many courses and career directions. Benefit from having not one, but two qualifications plus you’ll reduce the number of units you need to complete to obtain your university degree.

Find out more about pathways to university at swtafe.edu.au.


There are a variety of policies that you may need during your time at South West TAFE, including the ‘Student Code of Conduct’, ‘Academic Grievance Guidelines’, ‘Complaint Resolution and Appeals Procedure’, ‘Copyright’ policies, and much more. We also have information on our Child Safety Commitment, and your Rights and Responsibilities.

Please familiarise yourself with this information on the ‘Student Portal’.

Also see ‘Forms’.

Printing support

All SWTAFE students get an initial $10 credit for printing. Once this is used, additional credit can be added at Student Central, or at reception of the other campuses. For more information on how to set up your account, visit the ‘Student Portal’ or chat to our team at Student Central and/or reception.


South West TAFE respects your right to privacy and complies with Australian Privacy laws.

When you study at South West TAFE or use any of our services, we may collect personal information from you to identify who you are. We respect this personal information and do our best to keep it safe and secure. In all circumstances, we are obliged to comply with the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 and the Health Records Act 2001, and with the privacy principles referred to in these Acts.

See the South West TAFE website for our Information Privacy Policy and Privacy Statement.

Providing third party information

Unless you provide us with written permission, we are unable to provide your employer, school or any other third party with a copy of your Statement of Attainment and/or Certification, even if they have paid for your enrolment. If you require us to provide a copy of your qualification documents to your employer, school or another third party please complete the authority to issue documentation to a third party form available on the Student Portal.

If you are under 18 years old, your parent, guardian or carer – as recorded on your enrolment form – can have access to this information.

Pure - Hair, Beauty and Wellness Academy

Pure Academy, located at the Warrnambool campus, is SWTAFE’s very own working hair, beauty and wellness academy offering discount treatments to students. Please phone 5564 8848 for a hair, beauty or massage appointment.

Quiet spaces

Warrnambool Campus has a quiet space, located in Student Central, where students can go for prayer, meditation, breastfeeding, or a moment of peace. We are working on offering dedicated quiet spaces at all our campuses. In the meantime, if you need to find a quiet space, please speak to the reception staff at your campus.


If you are not yet enrolled, or you’ve just commenced your SWTAFE journey, you may be eligible to receive support from our Reconnect team. They can assist you to reach your goals, and your study and employment pathways.

Support includes:

  • one-on-one mentoring
  • referral for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
  • financial, such as fuel cards, and course and consumable fees
  • Food Share access
  • assistance with Centrelink
  • accommodation referral
  • access to driving lessons
  • tailored supports to suit your needs

Click here to find out more about Reconnect or contact the Reconnect team by calling 5564 8525 or 0481 464 433, or by emailing reconnect@swtafe.edu.au.


We are looking for future leaders in our community and in industries across South West Victoria. The SWTAFE Scholarship program creates opportunities and recognises those who have the drive, passion and commitment to succeed in their study and career goals. We offer general scholarships and scholarships that are available for students in particular courses, or from a particular region or background to apply. Each scholarship has its own criteria, and the application process can vary from one scholarship to the next.

To apply for a scholarship or find out more information, visit our Scholarships page on our website.


We offer security services after 5pm Monday to Friday and weekends.

Colac campus

Call CQ Recruitment Security on 0499 000 989.

All other campuses

Call 999 from a TAFE desk phone or 5564 8999, then press the following numbers for each campus to speak directly with our Security Service:

  • 1 for Warrrnambool and Sherwood Park
  • 2 for Portland
  • 3 for Hamilton

Alternatively, you can connect directly with our Security team on 0428 815 470, monitored at all times (24 hours/7 days).

If you require emergency assistance (ambulance, fire or police), call 000 or 0-000 on a SWTAFE phone.

Short courses

We offer a range of short courses in the region to assist you to further your skills.
Visit swtafe.edu.au to view the full list of courses and to book online.

Skateboards, skates and scooters

Skateboards, roller skates and scooters are not to be ridden in or around any campus of SWTAFE.

Skills and Jobs Centre

The South West Skills and Jobs Centre is our central point for all job seekers, career explorers and students wanting advice on their education pathways or job direction. It is a free independent service by qualified career practitioners.

If you are looking for a job, course advice or how to reskill, the South West Skills and Jobs Centre should be your first port of call. This one stop shop offers a range of support services for individuals and businesses.

Visit the South West Skills and Jobs Centre at Timor Street, Warrnambool or speak to the reception at any campus to book an appointment. 


SWTAFE is a smoke free environment. Smoking, vaping, and the use of tobacco products is prohibited on all campuses, property, land and vehicles under the control of SWTAFE. This policy has been implemented to create a healthy and safe environment for all staff, students and associates.

Social media

The SWTAFE Student Facebook page is exclusive to current SWTAFE students. We want to stay connected with you and create a place for everyone to chat about all things SWTAFE. We’ll post photos from around campus, study tips, event information, discussions, services and supports, and more.

Join the group at facebook.com/groups/swtafestudents.

You can also follow SWTAFE on Facebook and Instagram.

Student Central

Student Central is the single point of contact for all support and services for students and the community at Warrnambool campus.

There are a great range of FREE services and supports at SWTAFE to help you succeed in your studies and get the most out of your experience with us. Services available at Student Central include:

  • Enquiry, enrolment and student administration
  • Disability services
  • Learning Support Unit
  • Student services – Wellbeing and Chaplaincy services, and Koorie teams
  • IT support
  • South West Skills and Job Centre – course advice
  • Reconnect.

Services and support are available at all campuses and you can also contact the teams directly – see the Services and Support page at swtafe.edu.au.

Student lounge

This is an area for you to relax and catch up with friends. It is also a place available for food preparation with facilities including microwaves, sandwich presses, tea, coffee, milk, and hot water for beverages, provided free of charge. Please keep these areas tidy.

Student Portal

The Student Portal is a very important resource for you while you are studying at SWTAFE. There you will find information that is useful for your studies, such as your timetable, booklists, printing and IT support, and more. You will also find the contact details for all of our support services and be kept up-todate with the latest news and events.

The Student Portal is the main student communication channel (along with a monthly e-newsletter), so please log in regularly to keep up-to-date and connected.

Visit the Student Portal via students.swtafe.vic.edu.au.

Student services

As a student, you can access a variety of free support services that will enhance your study experience and help you complete your studies successfully.

Visit the Student Portal to find out more about our student services.

Student voice

The Student Voice is a vital part of South West TAFE, ensuring that the student body is heard and can contribute to the SWTAFE community in a meaningful way. Members of the Student Voice attend meetings, regularly connect with fellow students to obtain feedback, and represent and advocate for greater outcomes for fellow students. We welcome students to nominate for the Student Voice.

For more information visit students.swtafe.vic.edu.au/student-voice.


Studiosity is an online tool for students to have work reviewed and be provided with valuable feedback. Students can also receive support at times when they may not be able to access support from teachers or from the learning support facilitators. This is free for SWTAFE students. Also see ‘Learning support’.


Each year we are required to participate in a national benchmarking survey of our students. As part of enrolling with us, your nominated contact details may be forwarded to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).

They may either send you a survey or make phone contact with you during and/or following your year of study with us. If you wish to opt out of receiving survey requests, let us know by ticking the opt out box on your enrolment form or emailing us at learn@swtafe.edu.au.


SWTAFE’s Environmental Sustainability and Climate Adaption Strategy is underpinned by five key actions through creating:

  1. Climate resilient campuses
  2. A Climate adaption culture
  3. Climate adaptive courses
  4. Climate aware communities
  5. Community leadership.

We encourage you to support our endeavours by following the sustainability principles below, where possible:

  • re-use products/materials
  • reduce consumption
  • recycle items
  • be responsible with disposal of rubbish by using the correct bins.
SWTAFE Online/Moodle

SWTAFE Online, also known as Moodle, is a Learning Management System. Some students will need to access SWTAFE Online to do coursework. Your teacher will guide you if you need to use it. A link to SWTAFE Online can be found on the ‘Student Portal’, under the heading: My Study.


TimeEdit is SWTAFE’s timetable system where students can check their timetable. Please follow the guide that is on the ‘Student Portal’ to learn how to view your timetable. Questions can also be emailed to mailbox.timeedit@swtafe.edu.au.

Use of image agreement

As a SWTAFE student, you may be asked for imagery to be taken for promotional purposes or as part of activities with us. Unless you let us know when we take the photo, video or upon enrolment in writing, you agree to us using your image and quotes obtained from you.

This information will be used for purposes only in accordance with the privacy policy available on our website. It can include responses to questions, video footage, imagery, voice recording and place of study that could be used for promotion of SWTAFE in publications, radio, social media, etc. If you wish to withdraw this authorisation, please let us know in writing by emailing us at

Unique Student Identifier

If you are undertaking nationally-recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This includes studying at SWTAFE, completing an apprenticeship or skill set, certificate or diploma course.

A USI gives you access to your online USI account which is made up of 10 numbers and letters. It will look something like this: 3AW18YH0U5. A USI account will contain all your nationally recognised training records and results from 1 January 2015 onwards.

Your USI will be collected from you at the time of application. Visit the USI website at usi.gov.au to create or view your account.

Vending machines

Vending machines are located at all of our campuses. We welcome reasonable suggestions for products and can pass these on to our vendor.

Email: communications@swtafe.edu.au.

VET Student Loans

If you are enrolling in a diploma course, you may have the option to defer payment of your tuition fees via a VET Student Loan (VETSL). Other fees associated with your course, or tuition fees over the VETSL course cap, are to be paid by the student and cannot be deferred to a VETSL.

Please see the VET Student Loan page at swtafe.edu.au for more information.


Our Wellbeing team is here to help you, whether you are impacted by personal, social or educational issues. They can have a chat, refer you to free services including student counsellors, chaplains, and more. They can also help you stay positive and focused on your study. See the team at Student Central or at your campus reception, and find out more on the Wellbeing page of the Student Portal.


SWTAFE provides free wireless access. This Wi-Fi access is intended to be available across all campuses. It is not possible for you to connect to SWTAFE’s information systems via a cable connection.

Withdrawals and refunds

It is your responsibility to make an application for a withdrawal or refund. To do this you must contact your teacher or departmental representative to request a course withdrawal or an amendment to your enrolment.

The date this request is received is your official withdrawal effective date and determines whether tuition and material fees are refunded or credited.

For full withdrawal and refund rules please visit the Cancellations and Withdrawals page at swtafe.edu.au.

Zero bullying

SWTAFE has zero tolerance for unacceptable behaviour and/or bullying towards any member of the SWTAFE community, including students, staff and the wider community. Also see Bullying and Code of Conduct.