Portland campus to reopen after revamp

The campus transformation features a new-look reception area, new library and study space and revamped rooms to improve the experience for students.
The campus was severely damaged by floods in January 2022, forcing students and staff to be relocated across three sites around Portland while repairs and restoration works were completed.
The refurbishment process provided an opportunity to introduce new and improved facilities along with the addition of $660,000 worth of new engineering equipment.
Students will return to the site at 154 Hurd Street from January 31 and the community and prospective students are invited to inspect the campus at an open day on February 15.
South West TAFE Portland and Glenelg regional manager Amy Silvester said the one-in-100-year downpour had caused significant damage and disruption, but the revamp will have long-term benefits.
“We had to shut down the whole campus for the year but we managed to keep going on other sites,” Ms Silvester said.
“It was pretty much a whole re-set but it meant we’ve been able to make some great improvements and additions,” Ms Silvester said.
“It has been an amazing transformation and students will appreciate the renovated classrooms and new facilities and new equipment.
“We’ve also taken the opportunity to re-fit the engineering centre which now boasts the very latest equipment Including new lathes, milling machine, guillotines, welders."
The redevelopment has included rectification works to the roof and drainage to prevent future damage in extreme rain events.
Ms Silvester described the refurbishment as a massive job. “The team did well to keep everything going across three sites last year but we’re all extremely relieved and excited to be back on one site.”
The open day will be from 3pm-6pm on Wednesday, February 15.
The damage repairs have been covered by insurance.