Returning to study pays off for Rebecca

The decision to return to study nursing as a mature age student has paid off for Rebecca Cameron.
She had always had a passion for nursing and planned to study straight after she finished year 12.
But she said life got in the way and it was only after she recently moved back to Heywood that she decided it was it the right time to follow her dream.
Rebecca completed her Diploma of Nursing last year and is now employed at Western District Health Service in their graduate program.
“It was a big change to return to study after so many years but it has helped me to build my confidence so much,” she said.
Her confidence has grown so much that this year she is studying her Bachelor of Nursing at Deakin University and was awarded a Deakin scholarship at South West TAFE’s Graduation and Awards ceremony in March.
“Nursing is such a rewarding profession. I’m really excited to have finished the course and be taking the next step at university,” she said.
Rebecca has plans to one day complete her Masters in Clinical Nursing and choose a speciality field to work in.