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Courtney finds a new career direction

/ Success Story
Courtney Burton is completing both WorkReady and Education Support courses at South West TAFE and is loving the experience.
student in library

COURTNEY Burton has not only gained confidence and work experience in her studies at South West TAFE, she has also realised a new career direction.

While completing her WorkReady course this year, Courtney has also started studying Education Support online through South West TAFE.

“What attracted me the most to TAFE is the flexible hours, the year 12 pass in six months and the variety of courses that you can study if you want.

“I also like this course because not only are you achieving your year 12 pass but you are also gaining confidence and experience for the work place,” she said.

Courtney said one of the most beneficial things about the WorkReady program was the opportunity to investigate different career pathways and the chance to complete work placements.

“This showed me that the pathway I thought I wanted to take is actually in the opposite direction after doing work placement,” she said.

Courtney said she would recommend the course to people of all ages as the experiences she gained were extremely rewarding.

“My time at TAFE has been nothing but an excellent experience. The staff members at South West TAFE are very helpful and will go beyond their expected level just to try to help you out and make you feel welcome,” she said.

Courtney is now working towards her goal of working in the education support field.



Courtney studying education support