Student documentary premieres

The VCAL Senior students created the documentary as part of their studies with money raised going towards youth homlessness.
The documentary showcased Warrnambool and the people who call it home, specifically those with a connection to the ocean.
Warrnambool City Council Youth Engagement Coordinator Becky Nevin Berger said the documentary was a great project on so many levels.
“Council’s Warrnambool FReeZa Connect Shape Create program is thrilled to support these talented young creators as part of the Warrnambool and Moyne Youth Showcase series in the South West Youth Fest Calendar.
"It is clear that these young filmmakers care deeply about their community. This beautifully-made film brings unique stories of connection to place out into the spotlight while shining a light on youth homelessness,” she said.
VCAL Senior student Alex Steel said the class really enjoyed working on the project.
“While we don’t pretend to be expert filmmakers, our class feels that this project has allowed us to learn more about our community, develop important transferrable skills, tick off lots of VCAL outcomes and meet some fascinating local people. All while raising money and awareness of youth homelessness,” he said.
All proceeds from the night went towards creating care packages to be distributed by the Brophy Youth Homelessness Team.