What is Vocational Education?

VET is a pathway between secondary school and university, a term you will hear a lot when it comes to vocational education and training. This pathway can lead you to higher education, or it can lead you into industries and jobs a lot sooner than higher education can. It is an opportunity for school leavers and mature-aged people looking for a change of career.
We’ll answer all your burning questions about what Vocational Education is all about and why studying your Vocational Education with South West TAFE is a great idea.
What are the entry requirements for VET
Entry requirements for Vocational Education Courses can be specific to each course. Some entry requirements may include a Language, Literacy and Numeracy test (LLN), subject prerequisites or course specific entry requirements, such as a Working With Children’s Check or some licences or qualifications.
How do I apply for VET courses?
There is an easy 5-step process to apply for one of our VET courses. But before you hit those 5 steps, we recommend you attend a free information session, and check the entry requirements for any of the courses you’re interested in. Best to be prepared and ready to go, and then hit our 5-steps:
Certificate & Diploma Courses
- Apply:
Visit our website to apply. Click the Apply Now button on either the home page or on a specific course page. You will need to fill out a short online application form. - Assessment:
We will assess whether you need to undertake a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assessment and email it to you if required. If you are not required to undertake this assessment,you will skip to step 3. - Chat to our team:
Your teacher or course specialist will contact you to discuss the course in more detail and ensure the right units of study are selected for you. - Enrol:
You will be sent an email to accept your offer for the course. By accepting, you will be directed to verify your details and submit your enrolment for processing. - Pay:
Once we’ve completed your enrolment, we will send you an invoice to arrange payment of your course fees.
Check out the payment options for more information.
Apprenticeship or Traineeship
- Find a job:
Find a job as an apprentice or trainee in the trade area of your choice. - Register:
Register with an Apprentice Connect Australia Providers (ACAP) and nominate SWTAFE as your training provider (your employer will usually do this for you). - Chat to our team:
Once your ACAP contract registration is complete you will be contacted by the SWTAFE team to organise your pre-training review. - Enrol:
Complete and sign your enrolment form and provide your identification. - Pay:
Pay your fees. Check out the payment options for more information.
The next step is to enjoy your time studying with South West TAFE!
Is VET the same as TAFE?
Vocational Education and Training is what you are doing, TAFE is the place where you are doing it. South West TAFE is a provider of Vocational Education, which are courses designed around Government mandated competencies. You will be studying VET at South West TAFE.
Because the courses we teach you adhere to Government mandated competencies, they are nationally accredited. This means any certificates you earn in building or construction, the skills and knowledge you gain will be accepted anywhere in Australia.
What’s the difference between VET and higher education?
VET studies equip you with practical skills and knowledge for certain industries. VET courses make you job-ready when you graduate. Higher education is more academic and theory-based in nature with a different focus on the job market.
VET courses begin at Certificate Level I and rise up through Certificate Level IV, to diploma and advanced diploma. Higher education begins with undergraduate degrees and continues to postgraduate degrees. You could be looking anywhere from 5 to 8 years for a full postgraduate degree from a university, while VET can see you in the workforce anywhere from 6 months to 3 years.
Entry requirements also differ. VET courses may ask you for a LLN, or have some specific prerequisites for entry, but you don’t require an ATAR to gain entry.
Higher education will typically ask you to have an ATAR, prior university study or complete a bridging program. You can also gain entry to higher education with a certificate IV or higher, earned from a VET. This means you can use VET as a pathway to higher education.
Why study a VET course?
There are many solid reasons to study a VET course with South West TAFE, these include:
- Taught by industry experts. Courses are designed and built by industry experts who know what you need to thrive in the industry you’re studying for. The courses must fit Government guidelines and ensure they supply you with the right skills, knowledge and understanding. Each teacher must have current industry skills, relevant to the subject they are teaching. This ensures you are getting the best education from the best people in the industry.
- A pathway to university or further study. A VET course can be a pathway to university and further study. If you didn’t achieve a high enough ATAR to get you into your dream university course, then you can use a VET course to build your fundamental knowledge, and then get into higher education to achieve a degree in your chosen field.
- A pathway to work. For many industries, you will need a Cert III or more to be eligible to work. With South West TAFE, the VET courses here can also help you gain apprenticeships. TAFE also works closely with industry, and can link you up to help your job seeking efforts.
- Quality education standards. All providers of Vocational Education Training must meet the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) standards, and all courses must adhere to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) standards.
- Diverse learning environments. Being a hands-on style of education, you may find yourself in the field with practical learning. For example, if you are studying in our Hair, Beauty and Massage courses, you have access to Pure Academy, a fully functional hair and beauty salon.
- Top-quality learning spaces and equipment. We have the latest technology in our classrooms and for you to study online. That way, we can deliver you top quality education. So you experience what it's like to work in the real world.
- Future-focused learning. We are here to deliver courses that make you job ready now, and for the future. Industry knowledge, the latest technology and emerging industry trends, all go into making your VET experience with South West TAFE the best it can be.
Major fields of study
Here are some of the major fields of study available for you at South West TAFE.
Agriculture, Conservation and Horticulture.
Connect with the land in a meaningful way and build a career that is not tied to a desk. Learn skills that can take you all across Australia, and further abroad, with careers such as a farm-worker, horticulturist, park ranger or a coastcare manager, all just some possibilities.
Information Technology.
In the growing digitised world there will never be a shortage for IT qualified people. It is such a dynamic field to get into, with new trends and jobs bursting onto the scene every day. You can become a network officer, IT Help Desk, Communications Support Officer, and that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Nursing, Health & Community Services.
There is a booming need for carers in our community, be it enrolled nurses, aged care workers, social welfare workers or community services workers. We can give you many great pathways to serving your community.
Food and Hospitality.
Do you like to cook? Are you looking at a career in the hospitality sector, or to run your own cafe perhaps? We can lead you down the path towards being a fully qualified chef, a pastry cook or baker, running a bar or cafe, or more. Many exciting opportunities in hospitality. Everyone needs a coffee, right?
Qualification levels
At a Vocational Educational level, you have qualifications that stretch from Certificate I through to advanced diploma. Some industries have minimum qualifications required before you may work in that space. Childcare, for example, needs a minimum of a Cert III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30121).
- Cert I and II are basic vocational skills and knowledge. They lay the groundwork for further study and are generally used as pre-requisites to Certs III and IV.
- Cert III level education is basic, again, to equip people to be ready for skilled work. It is also a big stepping stone into Cert IV and beyond.
- Cert IV is for people to become skilled in a wide range of industries. It is generally more specialised into industry specific education, and it is at this level you begin to niche into your desired areas of work.
- Diploma is further advancing on from your Cert IV and is focusing you onto the skills and experience you want for your industry and future career. It is the groundwork and pre-requisite for your advanced diploma and can be used as a pathway to higher education.
Where can it take you?
We love this question- where can a Vocational Education course take you? We have many stories of past students and their successes. Click through to any of our course pages and you will see examples of graduates who have gone onto big things.
Where do you want to go? Did you want to travel the world with the skills of a chef? Did you want to be out in the forest studying flora and fauna? Would you like to start your own business in hospitality or beauty?
South West TAFE can give you the skills and knowledge, you provide the drive and the spark.
Enquire now to find out how you can take on the world.